As one of the most complex parts of a diesel engine, the injector 131406600 or injector nozzle is required to withstand the temperatures and pressures inside the cylinder to produce an accurate dose of a fine fuel mist to ensure a thorough burn in the cylinder. With extremely small tolerances within injectors, 1 to 3 microns, and very high fuel pressures, issues can arise such as coking of external surfaces from an incomplete burn or fuel contamination causing wear. This clogging can affect the diesel fuel delivery, resulting in a noticeable loss of power and increased fuel consumption. As a key component, Perkins injectors are designed specifically for your engine with precision drilled nozzle holes, needle to body gap, and needle design for positive seating and exact fuel delivery to deliver the right fuel flow giving you best fuel consumption, power, and performance from your engine.
作为柴油发动机最复杂的部件之一,需要喷射器131406600或喷射器喷嘴承受汽缸内部的温度和压力,以产生精确剂量的细燃料雾,以确保汽缸中的彻底燃烧。 喷油器内的公差极小,为1至3微米,并且燃油压力非常高,因此可能会出现问题,例如由于不完全燃烧或燃油污染导致磨损而导致外表面结焦。 这种堵塞会影响柴油的输送,从而导致功率明显下降并增加燃料消耗。 作为关键组件,Perkins喷油器是专门为您的发动机设计的,具有精确的喷嘴孔,针与阀体之间的间隙以及针设计,可实现正向定位和准确的燃油输送,以提供正确的燃油流量,从而为您提供最佳的燃油消耗,功率和性能 从您的引擎。
403F-11...2020-05-22 14:53:11
As one of the most complex parts of a diesel engine, the injector 131406600 or injector nozzle is required to withstand the temperatures and pressures inside the cylinder to produce an accurate dose of a fine fuel mist to ensure a thorough burn in the cylinder. With extremely small tolerances within injectors, 1 to 3 microns, and very high fuel pressures, issues can arise such as coking of external surfaces from an incomplete burn or fuel contamination causing wear. This clogging can affect the diesel fuel delivery, resulting in a noticeable loss of power and increased fuel consumption. As a key component, Perkins injectors are designed specifically for your engine with precision drilled nozzle holes, needle to body gap, and needle design for positive seating and exact fuel delivery to deliver the right fuel flow giving you best fuel consumption, power, and performance from your engine.
400 Series
403F-11...2020-05-22 14:52:48